English 3, Post 8 (FINAL), 'Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying'

  Good n' Old Earthlings from FCQF!

This is our FINAL blog post (entry). For the last time, you are cordially invited to write about a subject you enjoyed studying (University or High School)

Include this information:

·        What is the subject? Describe it.

·        Why do you enjoy it?

·        What have you learned?

·        What did you think about it before you studied it?

    Upload pictures (optional)

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 170 words

For the last time, I will leave you with a written sample,

"The name of my favourite subject when at University was “Literature III: Seminar on Shakespeare”. It is of no mystery that the subject revolved around the playwright, poet and sometimes actor, William Shakespeare. We basically studied the phenomenon of his works under a critical-historical approach, that is to say, not only working with first-hand material but also dealing with critical texts and essays.

Many of the contents were concerned with the historical period (XVI-XVII Century) in which William Shakespeare lived. For instance, one of his contemporaries, John Donne, which was a Metaphysical poet, was studied under comparative scrutiny with the sonnets of Shakespeare. Both works were contrasted; on the one hand, The Holy Sonnets by Donne which applied a sacred treatment, versus, Shakespeare’s sonnets which celebrated profane beauty.

The reasons why I liked the subject are many, and can be summarized as the following list; (1)Literature, as far as I am concerned, served as intellectual escapism when at school, i.e., not having to deal with the hardships of adolescence was one of the great things involving literature; (2) Literature contains a very “flexible” character, i.e., there is a feeling of absolute liberty when working with comparative approaches. You can take walk through culture and human history through Literature, and you may learn about the “zeitgeist” (spirit of the time) of every single time period, on how humans conceived tragedy, happiness and how a “locus amoenus” (the idea of a pleasant place, a literary topic as well) is profoundly different from one period to another".

What about you?



  1. I think it's great that taste you have for literature

  2. The truth is that it sounds very interesting! Thank you very much for sharing it with us :)

  3. I get the impression that you would have liked to live in the time of Shakespeare!

  4. I must admit that, although I like science more, I also find literature very interesting. Your subject seemed very entertaining.

  5. I think it is a very interesting topic, the truth is that I don't like literature very much but I must admit that like the sciences, literature explains a lot about our past, it teaches us to understand the past and also the future, since "fiction surpasses reality".

  6. Wow, that sounds very interesting, one of my hobbys is to read, and even though I haven't read anything from Shakespeare, this motivates me a little bit to do it.

  7. I believe that literature is very important and produces many changes in the world, so studying one of the greatest in literature must have been very interesting and entertaining.

  8. I like your vision about literature, i can feel your enjoyment for it

  9. Definitely Shakespeare was a very influential character in world literature, incredible. o.o

  10. I like literature and I also see it as an intellectual escapism, a very interesting post!

  11. I think "Literature III" is very interesting, Regards!

  12. I once saw "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and it's the only William Shakespeare play I've ever seen. Is there any other work that you recommend?

  13. I wish I had the mental capacity or disposition to read a Shakespearean novel.

  14. Sincerely, I admired that you like something so complicated as Shakespeare

  15. The truth is that I don't like Shakespeare's plays very much, so I don't think I'd like a whole course dedicated to him.

  16. Studying literature is my frustrated dream :( sounds entertaining


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