English 3, Post 3, 'Your Favourite piece of technology'

 Write about your favourite piece of technology

Warm salutations, Earthlings from FCQF!

This time you are absolutely entitled to write about a piece of tech material you think is very important. Some of the parameters to follow may come below: 


What it is.

When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it? 
Would you recommend using it?

140 words minimum.
don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and on your teacher's post as well. 

As usual, I leave my sample entry for you to take as a writing model -if you want to, of course-

My favourite piece of technology is paper. No, I am not crazy, and I do not want to pull your leg. It is for real. Paper has almost always been there for us, I mean, ‘us’ as humanity. So, concerning my lifetime, I have been dealing with paper my whole life.

Paper has multiple functionalities, so there would be a little difficult for me to name them all. For some reason I still do not understand, paper is a wonderful piece of edible material – meaning that you can eat it – at least when I was a little boy. To a certain extent, paper also serves as a beautiful media to put your thoughts on. Also, you can make sculptures out of paper, and that would be called ‘origami’, the art of making tri-dimensional figures out of paper.

I really do not ‘like’ paper. I would say that I ‘need’ paper because I like to write almost everything that gets into my head. And, you would say, ‘for there is a ton of internet out there, you could create a blog and write whatever you want. But, and there is probably my taste for it, paper is something you can touch, something you can feel with your hands, and probably, within that fact, my preference of paper over the internet would reside.

Life would never be the same without paper. There would not be history, culture, and a whole transmission of first-hand material for us to read and understand how humankind used to be so long ago. Without paper, there would be no culture at all, or at least, not a ‘durable’ culture. 



  1. It is very interesting to see how the paper is so simple and so important to the mankind :o

  2. It is very interesting what you say! and I agree because I also write a lot on paper, for example in the online methodology of classes I prefer to have my notes in a notebook that on a drive.

  3. I really liked your writing on paper. And I also agree that no matter how many technological alternatives we have, paper is still indispensable. Reading a digital book is not the same as reading a physical book!

  4. Paper is so common that we forget what an important piece of technology it is. With paper you can keep ideas or important information for future generations, because what is written on paper can remain in time.

  5. I agree with you, paper is the reason for the evolution of humanity. in addition to being very useful to do many different things.

  6. When I read "piece of technology" immediatly thought on a electronic device, but I was surprised when you talked about the paper.

  7. i think paper is so important in the human evolution, so is understandable why you choose as your favorite piece of technology

  8. I still don't understand how children ate paper.


  9. I agree, paper is the tool that has allowed us a cultural and intellectual diversity that has us as a species where we are today.

  10. hahaha edible paper, the writing is wonderful.

  11. We have to be grateful for who invented the paper ajajajaj, Maybe now, we would be writing on animal leather jajajja

  12. I agree with you, it is magnificent how something so simple and minimal is of great importance for the whole world.

  13. I completely agree with you, paper is a truly useful invention. And obviously it looks like such a simple object, makes it undervalued, but it's a fact that's really very important.

  14. It would never have crossed my mind to see paper as a technological element, but reading your blog I really realize the great relevance that paper has in our lives!.

  15. Same as Patricio I was like "what?" when I see the introduction and your favorite piece of technology was not a electronic device.

  16. When I was little I used to eat the paper too, but it just looked so edible, like a strip of white candy. XDDD

  17. When I was little I used to eat the paper too, but it just looked so edible, like a strip of white candy. XDDD

  18. I agree with you. Paper is very important and has many applications, also in our personal hygiene and the packaging of different products.

  19. This year I bought a table to be able to write and leave the paper, it's great how many nice notes you can make

  20. that is an interesting choice. I also like paper, but I would like its elaboration to be more environmentally friendly

  21. Although it does not sound like something technological, the paper itself is quite primordial

  22. i didn't think you choose paper


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