English 3, Post 6, 'How can your major make the world a better place'

   Dear Earthlings from FCQF!

Tell us why and how what you study (you're major) can make the world a better place. Include this information:

·        How can your major affect the world?

·        How can you see yourself in this process?

·        What makes your major something that contributes to the world’s benefit?

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 150 words

As usual, I will leave you with this week's sample entry from my own study programs ('English Literature' and Linguistics' and 'English Pedagogy'),

No. I think English Linguistics, Literary Studies and Pedagogy do not straightforwardly affect the world at all. No. Linguistics and Literary Studies are not going to save us from any natural force or danger. Linguistics is a science of language and only committed to describing it. Literary Studies only represents, nowadays, intellectual escapism and nothing else, unfortunately. 

The only way Linguistics affect the world is combined with other Social Sciences such as Anthropology, then an 'inter-disciplinary field' emerges (Linguistic Anthropology). Literary Studies, as a discipline, on the other hand, only affects the world when it has something politically uncomfortable to say. In other words, when authors, politically commit to a particular and singular cause. 

Literary Studies and Linguistics, paradoxically are two disciplines that work with the human being and their language footprints on the world. At the same time, both disciplines require a lot of time being secluded in your epistemological thoughts on language (in the case of Linguistics) so as to devise theories on how language works or to describe the world (in the case of Literary Studies) from a very comfortable and 'free-from-any-social-stain' position. 


What about you?


  1. i agree with your opinion, English Linguistics, Literary Studies and Pedagogy will not afect any natural force

  2. I agree. maybe English linguistics does not directly affect the world, but without linguistics we would not be able to understand language which is so important because without it we would not be able to communicate.

  3. Maybe your studies can't save us from the end of the world, but I think they are important because help us to communicate with people of another lenguage.

  4. It probably won't save us from an alien attack.... But by being a good and enthusiastic teacher, you are generating positive experiences in other people, and along with that, an impact on the world.

  5. It's true that studying linguistics doesn't protect us from earthquakes, but studying how language or it's laws evolve and then teaching other people about it, that is irreplaceable.

  6. I believe that each person has an important role, it is not necessary to change the world or save it, even a traditional role can make the world a better place

  7. I think that your studies are important because you are responsible for giving us new knowledge that we will use throughout our lives.

  8. Unlike you, I believe that your studies help a lot to make the world a better place because language creates realities, and the good use of language can help to create good realities. :)

  9. Learning a language is probably the most important thing for a student's future.

  10. I agree with Ania, I really believe that Literature Studies can help the world as they are a way of scape from problems, something that is not entirely correct but it works.

  11. Nevertheless, linguists could fulfill many functions or help people in distress, as in the example of teaching non-language speakers or vice versa, they are connectors of two worlds. :D

  12. I agree with your opinion. Regards!

  13. I think that linguistics is really important and it directly affects people, since its application allows us to communicate.

  14. The English linguistics according to my opinion, is of great importance and helps in the day to day, especially according to current intercultural relations.

  15. I think that you are partly right, but I also agree with several of my classmates that the language you teach or the study of language helps us to connect realities and improve communicative relationships.

  16. I think that English linguistics is important, since it is related to communication and language, which is essential to live in society

  17. If every person in this world think just like you, we could live in a better way

  18. I do not agree with your opinion, English Linguistics, Literary Studies and Pedagogy as everything related to language and human communication are part of an essential basis for the change of societies.


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