English 3, Post 5, 'A photo and its story'

  Dear Earthlings from FCQF!

Write about a photograph you like.


Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too
Include any other information you'd like to mention.

Write at least 150 words.

Add comments to your teacher + 3 partners 

As usual, I leave you with a sample entry,

This is the photo I chose that I really like. If you ask me I really do not know who took it, it probably was taken from a professional photographer, since it is a promotional image for the Japanese trio “Shonen Knife”. The photo basically shows the band image, which consisted of Naoko Yamano (vocalist, centre), Atsuko Yamano (Drummer, left) and Michie Nakatani (bassist, right) I do not know when the photo was taken, but, by judging the band appearance, it seems to be it was taken sometime around 1990.

 I really like this photo as I already told you, because this band is a blast, a really cool rock and roll band. It derives from the punk movement in the US, particularly, from the “Ramones”. By the way, these three women from Osaka used to be called the “Osaka Ramones”. Their fame came to the western world basically because it was one of Kurt Cobain’s (Nirvana’s singer-songwriter) favourite bands. He was the one that promoted a strong passion for this group. It is no secret that this photograph represents the essence of Shonen Knife, three strong-willed women that like to rock and roll on their own terms.


What about you?


  1. It must be a merit that his music crossed borders in those times when everything in the world was not so globalized

  2. what a great picture. I like the black and white photographs. I don´t know the band but I find it very interesting that it is a band of women for an era where it was much more complex the female demonstration and female empowerment that I think was complex especially being in Asia a continent that gives me the impression that it is more conservative. I am glad to see this kind of pictures.

  3. It's a good photo, I didn't know it was one of Kurt Cobain's favorite bands, the photo reminds me of the band from the movie "Kill Bill"

  4. the hairstyle of those women, reminds me a celeb five(kpop group)

  5. I didn't know the band, but it's great that they can play rock and roll on their own terms.

  6. Besides the fact that I learned something new, because I didn't know "Shonen Knife", I want to say that I really liked the photography, I consider that the black and white conveys a lot of drama. And the photo made me want to know who those three women are!

  7. Incredible that for the fact of being one of Kurt's favorite bands they are known in this part of the World.

  8. The drummer looks younger compared to her peers, usually the band members have similar ages

  9. I like the aesthetic of the photo. I don´t know the band so I'll look for it!

  10. if Kurt liked the band it must be for something. I will hear it later.

  11. I love the face of the drummer. She looks very dreamy

  12. What a wonderful photo, must be a great band and it's great to know that the fame of a Japanese band can reach the western world.

  13. I think I had the opportunity to listen to one of the songs of this group, I loved the photo!

  14. It reminded me of a Japanese duo that appeared on Cartoon Network, they had a cartoon and they sang the opening song for the Teen Titans.

  15. I didn't know the band, even if I love Asian music, I feel dissapointed in myself ajajaj

  16. it's a very good photo!


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